Essay / War Crimes Essay - 1125
A war crime is an unjust act of violence in which a service member violates the laws and acceptable behavior of war. Despite all the violence of war, one soldier shooting another soldier is not considered a war crime because it is not a violation of the laws and practices of war, and it is considered just. A war crime is defined as a “violation [violation] of the laws and customs of war” (“War Crimes”), and refers to attacks “against civilian populations, prisoners of war or, in certain cases, enemy soldiers on the ground” (Friedman). War crimes are usually committed with weapons or by unusual, cruel and devastating military methods and are “…committed primarily by military personnel” (Friedman). There are many types of war crimes that one can commit, including "murder, ill-treatment...killing or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons at sea, killing of hostages, pillaging of public or private property, the wanton destruction of towns and villages.” , or villages or devastation not justified by military necessity” (Friedman). Initially constructed as international law by the London Charter of August 8, 1945 and developed by the Hague Conventions of 1899, 1907 and the Nuremberg trials, war crimes are aggressive, unacceptable and unjust actions committed by military personnel. that occur during war. There are many types of war crimes that military personnel can commit. Some examples include murder, medical experiments, crimes against the entire civilian population, and crimes against prisoners of war. A general war crime is a crime “of which civilians and prisoners of war have been victims” (“War Crimes”). General war crimes offenses include crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. The broadest definition of...... middle of paper ......itia leader and fugitive from justice nicknamed "The Terminator" ("Congo"). Ntaganda created the M23 rebels and "a ordered fighters to shoot and behead civilians, rape women and recruit child soldiers, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was told” (“Congo”). committed war crimes against civilian populations; its objective in “… persecuting [persecuting] civilians on ethnic grounds… murders [murders], rapes [rapes], sexual slavery [sexual slavery] and pillage… [And having] victims…killed by bullets, arrows, [and] with nailed sticks” (“Congo”), was to gain territory for his M23 rebel group Even though most war crimes are not well known until they occur. in massive wars, like the war crimes of World War II, there are still war crimes happening every day, like the crimes committed by Bosco Ntaganda, tried in February. 2014.