Essay / What really happened at Auschwitz? - 653
Beyond the execution of prisoners, what really happened at Auschwitz? Auschwitz was one of the most famous concentration camps of World War II. Upon arrival, the Jews and many others were loaded onto “the ramp” and the selection process began. Those who appeared to be in fairly good health were lined up on the right. Those who seemed unworthy were lined up to the left and marched to immediate death. Women and children were stripped of their clothes, hair and tattooed. All Jews lost their names and were called by the serial number tattooed on them upon arrival. It is said that some women were forced into prostitution. At the end of World War II, Auschwitz became known as the symbol of death, as approximately 1.1 million people died from forced labor, experimentation, starvation, disease and execution. Living conditions for Nazi prisoners were overcrowded. They had to sleep in unsanitary wooden and brick bunks with several other people. Prisoners were given a certain amount of time to use the facilities without any privacy. With little water they had to clean themselves, the inmates lived in constant filth. The Nazis did not care about bad weather, prisoners had to wait for long hours during roll call. Even the dead had to come forward during roll call. After roll call, the prisoners were marched to where they would work for the day. Some worked in factories, while others worked outside. A few hours later, they were taken to the camp for another roll call. The fate of children arriving at Auschwitz was no different from that of adults. They suffered in the same way as adults. They were worked, starved, punished and put to death and participated in cruel experiments. Children selected for labor worked in factories or coal mines. In 1993, middle of paper...... 0,000 people were killed or sent to the ghettos of the East ALL PRISONS ARE CROWNED Sabotage continues to increase, greatly aided by foreign workers My diary a childhood in a Nazi extermination camp - The Guardian http://www.holocausthistoryfacts.com/auschwitz-camp/http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/othercamps/auschwitzbasics.htmlhttp://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/othercamps /auschwitzbasics.htmlhttp://www.history. com/topics/world-war-ii/auschwitzhttp://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/auconditions.htmlhttp://en.auschwitz.org/h/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=21&Itemid= 18http://www.luketravels.com/auschwitz/facts.htmhttp://www.walkerlaw.com/zaid/index-2.htmlhttp://history1900s.about.com/od/holocaust/a/auschwitz_2.htmhttp: //www.nytimes.com/2013/03/03/sunday-review/the-holocaust-just-got-more-shocking.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0