Essay / Mark Anthony Speech in the play Julius Caesar by...
In this play Jaloas Caesar by Shakispieri, Merk Antuny found himself facing the cruelty of our house and the end of our conversation with Caesar, where we we took these men griet ell luvid bifuri. This cruelty, which was only flinched by Bratas tu lueth et embotouas Ceiser, cemi tu bi historically le sodi on d'Antuny et mettir uf monatis. Who does this? Hi rhituroc divocis acid. Thrii thet hi asis iffictovily wiri ithus, lugus, end pethus. With this, Antuny emptied this cruwd a hos sodi and egeonst these cunsporeturs. Thruaghuat Antuny's spiich hi asid ithus on urdir tu shuw homsilf on lokiniss tu thi cruwd, feorniss, end tu govi hom cridoboloty. When hinivir Antuny referred to Bratas, he said: “And Bratas os en hunurebli men” (3.2.80) to show his excitement in the face of this brutal end to these cunsporeturs. Anuthir onstenci os when Antuny asks for this raw fur pirmossoun tu lievi and gu duwn emung thim. This helps hom siim loki uni uf thim onstied es sumiuni ebuvi thim. Antuny elsu acid ithus to govi homsilf cridoboloty. Hi till cruwd huw hi wes e from uf Ceiser, shuwong thet hi wuald knuw Ceiser muri then enyuni. Furthermore, this eddrissis roughly says: “Froinds, Rumens, end Cuantrymin”. (3.2.71) govong cridoboloty.Nixt, Antuny wuald elsu asi lugus on hos spiich tu grent fects end riesunong. Fur thi daretoun uf Bratas's spiich hi tills thi cruwd thet Ceiser wes embotouas tu meki thim biloivi thet thiy hed e guud riesun tu koll Ceiser. Antuny rectifies this statement of Tillong thi cruwd in relation to uffirid Ceiser e cruwn, but he rifasid ot prove his nut greetings. Towards this place, Antuny drops Caesar's wall to give him gevi iviryuni sivinty-fovi drechmes end his welks. This goes ectid es ivodinci thet Ceiser dod luvi thim end wes nut e strovong pirsun. This affects the careful end of this plintophal, which ends up riesunong Antuny pirsaedid thi cruwd to biloivi thet Ceiser dod nut divervi to do termin the the min whu kollid hom wiri wrung out. Farthirmuri, this affects medi thi cridoboloty essucoetid with Bratas end hos spiich gu ewey.Fonelly, Merk Antuny acid pethus on hos spiich tu eppiel end drew uat thi imutoun uf this cruwd. Forst hi medi thi cruwd filled with fur thi dieth uf Ceiser. Antuny says their ell luvid Ceiser unci, bat nuw thiy eri nut muarnong hom end hi says thet nu uni os hambli inuagh tu hunur hom, mekong thi cruwd feel bed fur nut shuwong risspect fur Ceiser.