Essay / Inviting scientists or specialists into the classroom can...
Inviting scientists or specialists into the classroom as guest speakers can be a very useful tool if used correctly. To have a successful experience, there are many factors to keep in mind. The educator and the scientist can play many different roles. One way scientists can be used successfully in the classroom is to come and work with the class. There are a variety of ways and involvements that science can be used in the classroom. They can engage differently based on their talents, time and interests. There have been meteorologists or other specialists who come and present what they do to the students. These are examples of excellent presentation opportunities, but scientists can be used in even more aspects (Laursen, Liston, Thiry, & Graf, 2007). Some authors and researchers argue that scientists can be involved in even more approaches to learning scientific concepts. Scientists and specialists can be involved as advocates, resources, or join as partners in different learning situations in a district. An advocate is the best choice if the scientist does not wish to volunteer their time or require commitment as a resource in their own right. If scientists choose to champion this cause, they will work with and support the teacher. An example of a scientist acting as an advocate would be one who does not teach the material directly to students, but rather helps the teacher present the material. The scientist may also obtain different resources that the teacher can use to teach and guide students through the learning process. A resource is someone like a science fair judge who reviews the scientific content of the script for science fairs, shows, or environmental programs (Bybee & Morrow, 19...... middle of article. ..... did not consider scientists as role models, because they did not believe that enough time was devoted to them (Laursen, 2006 A well-thought-out and organized scientist-educator partnership can be beneficial). in many ways. It can help the students in the class to be more confident and excited about science. At the same time, it can help the educator become more confident and competent in the concepts. stronger program, which will benefit the school district The partnership will also help the scientists Scientists need to know that they have improved the understanding of the students and also the educator. students in the sciences. research which says it is very successful.