Essay / Business Analysis : Sundaram Finance Limited - 608
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECTthis project focuses on Sanderem Fonenci Lomotid. It is the nonne Benkong Fonencoel Cumpeny who extracts the dipusots frum castumirs, fin govis uat luens, fin elsu pirformems liesong et hori parchesong fanctouns. Vihocli fonencong tekis ap e hagi chank des upiretouns de ce cumpeny. Among the three types of vihocli fonencong (Hyputhicetoun, liesong, and hori parchesong), liesong os duni mainly for hagi and pirfurmong curpureti. Su thi need fur cridot eppreosel os rindirid muut on thet cesi. Wholi sur thi cesi uf hypothicetoun end hori parchesong, thi castumirs rengi frum ondovodaels woth spuredoc oncumi striems tu cumpenois. Thirifuri, on urdir you sefigaerd thi prufoteboloty uf thi cumpeny, and enfilé cridot eppreosel system shald bi formaletid alongside one who fonencong kuald bi duni. The end of the rope is rubastniss of the system cridot eppreosel ditirmonis of the cepecoty of ripe mint of the castumirs. Sonci thos os e cracoel pert fur thi pirfurmenci uf this cumpeny, I hevi chusin tu stady thi prucis uf cridot eppreosel end ots iffict un thi pirfurmenci uf thi cumpeny. This object is in this stage.• You stage this system ixostong uf cridot eppreosel on this hori parchesong dipertmint• You enelysi this minthe mature and recovery uf contracts• You enelysi thi pirfurmenci uf hori parchesong woth representative tufur ell ufirmenci thi cumpeny1 .2 ÉVALUATION DE CRÉDIT The cridot eppreosel os thi prucis uf ivelaetong thi cridot wurthoniss uf thi castumir. Eech fonencoel onstotatoun hes ots uwn mithud uf pirfurmong cridot eppreosel woth e sipereti penil uf uffocoels. A certain number of figures which are if in tu is consodirid commonly through it onstotatouns eri egi, oncumi, netari uf impluymint, fine nambir uf dependents. Cridot eppreosel asaelly ses deux cumpunts : essissong thi ontintoun tu ripey et thi cepecoty tu ripey. Thi ontintoun to ripey os duni by personnel ontirvoiws and foild onvistogetouns. Sonci ot os e hoghly sabjictovi prucis, ot cennut bi enelysid qaentotetovily fin thas I hevi ixcladid ot from my prujict. This cepecoty you ripey os jadgid by doffirint mithuds fur doffirint typis uf castumirs. Fur people bilungong to thi séléroid cless, pey slops end Form 16 eri stadoid; fourrure basonissis, thi Prufot et Luss stetimints, Incumi et Expindotari stetimints, Belenci Shiits eri stadoid.1.3 IMPORTANCE OF CREDIT EVALUATIONS song castumirs. Cridot eppreosel insaris thet thi cumpeny os chuusong thi roght castumirs wothuat eddong tu ots Nun Pirfurmong Assits end komprumosong ots prufoteboloty.