
  • Essay / The Monster: School Tests - 1148

    The Monster: School Tests Everyone has their fears, some don't like heights, darkness, and others are happy to be in a crowd or make a speech. However, one thing that many students dread is tests. It is normal to take tests after each chapter and many students can do this if they understand the subject and it is taught well. There is, however, one test that many, especially younger children, consider to be a monster. This monster is a standardized test, a monster that must be put down. Anyone who has taken standardized tests notices a trend. There are questions, on standardized tests, that are simple for the grade level of the test that everyone would know, there are questions below that grade level, and there are questions that you have to guess on because that it is something above your level of knowledge. . However, most of the time, these questions have nothing to do with what you learn in these courses. How can you learn or see how well you actually learn when you're constantly taking standardized tests. These standardized tests are not conducted by our schools, but by the federal government. The intention to remember with standardized testing is that it is about assessing our country's overall level in certain areas. Overall, testing has many purposes. At their core, tests allow teachers, professors, and other educators to see how well their students have grasped the knowledge they have been taught. This allows students to see how well they have understood the knowledge and what areas they need to work on. If the student performs poorly, the student's teacher or parents may need to help the student focus more. In addition to seeing how well a student was able to understand a topic...... middle of paper...... United States. “After the passage of NCLB in 2002, the United States fell from 18th in the world in 31st in 2009, with a similar decline in science and no change in reading” (Anderson). Parents exclude their children, and they do so rightly. The amount of testing is ruining the rest of their education and will eventually ruin our economy, our future, many don't notice and if standardized testing is not changed it will destroy our country, the proof was evident in a Research report National. Council that states that incentivized testing even works as it should (CITBA), so students become more than stressed and see the tests as a joke. Teachers are unable to teach their students the information they should be learning because they are constantly preparing for standardized tests. The monster must be slain.