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Essay / Sympathy for the characters in The Furnished Room of O. Henry and Vanka by ChekovTwo works cited The narrators of "The Furnished Room" by O. Henry and Anton Chekov's "Vanka" see their protagonists as desperate and helpless in a world of cold realism. With tones rich in sympathy, the narrators of both stories pity their characters. Both characters have not yet understood that, in reality, they have little control over the dismal lives they lead; instead, their environment has more of an impact on their lives. Trapped in a cruelly ironic and deceptive world, the characters become pitiful symbols in a world insensitive to their presence. Transforming the protagonists into symbols that touch on everyday human norms (like endless faith and shelter), the narrators foster a sense of empathy. . While the young man in “The Furnished Room” represents the personified room in which he is staying, Vanka resembles a sad angel in his purity and innocence. For example, like the dilapidated room in which the young man stays, his well-being depends on the people and events that pass him by. The personified descriptions of the room reflect all of the young man's emotions: the young man is emotionally "chipped and bruised" (41) and "desolate" (41) like the constantly abandoned room. Additionally, like the play, the protagonist remains anonymous, as if he matters little compared to his surroundings and his lost love (all of whom are given names). Vanka, although he also goes through a difficult life, instead has a glimmer of hope in his innocence. Kneeling in front of his faithful letter to his grandfather (as if to pray), Vanka looks like a sad angel. Despite his constant neglect and abuse, Vanka remains faithful to her faith and wishes her grandfather "all the blessings... middle of paper... humanity. The idea of diminishing hope for both characters is the narrator's last attempt to quell sympathy. The way the narrators present human nature - the dark side of an unforgiving world in which the characters live - as well as the naive and pathetic nature of the two characters, makes two stories. thirsty for empathy. The naivety of the two characters in the face of the deception of their environment, as well as their lack of control over the events they experience, render them helpless in a cruel world Works CitedChekov, Anton "Vanka Understanding Fiction." ed. Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.., 1979. 39-43.
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