
  • Essay / ‘What is the North-South divide and why...

    The question of the North-South divide has often been raised on diplomatic tables over the last century. It has become a place of discussions, negotiations and various resolutions between the leaders of more or less influential nations. When we think about the North-South divide, we should look at the geopolitics that give us an understanding, more commonly referred to as the Global North and the Global South. “The countries of the North, or the “central” countries, are the developed world which controls the means of production and a much higher percentage of wealth than the poorest countries. The Global South or less developed countries are considered "peripheral" nations because they are not the center of high-level trade, industry or services and therefore do not hold the necessary amount of wealth that a country needs to exert political leverage. . In general, the North includes the United States, Canada, Europe, and developed parts of East Asia. There are certain exceptions such as dependencies of developed countries (Australia, New Zealand or South Africa) located in the southern hemisphere, but belonging to the developed northern part. The South includes Latin America, Africa and developing countries in Asia. First of all, the roots of the North-South divide go back to 1861 and the start of the American Civil War. Its causes were based on economic differences between the North and the South. While in the Northern States, mature industry was one of their main advantages, the economy of the Southern States was based on agricultural activities (cotton growing) and cheap labor. This war meant an acceleration of the industrialization and empowerment of the Northern State... middle of document ......uth [online], available at: /07/02/intro -towards-the-global-north-vs-global-south/ [seen. 2013-27-12]. North-South Division [online], available at: [accessed. 2013-28-12].Sunkel, Osvaldo. National development policy and external dependence in Latin America. In: The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 6, no. October 1, 1969. Hussain, Tahir. Meaning of globalization. In: Engineering Economics. [New Delhi, India]: Laxmi Publications, 2010. ISBN: 978-93-80386-47-8. Global South [online], available at: htm [seen. 2013-28-12].A Jubille Call For Debt Forgiveness [online], available at: - debt-forgiveness.cfm [viewed. 2013-28-12].