Essay / Individuality: threat or catalyst for a harmonious society?
Brave New World and events in our own world refute the claim that individuality is seen as a threat to a harmonious society. In the book, Huxley presents the characters Bernard, Helmholtz and John as outsiders. They do not integrate into the societies they are a part of, which threatens the system that Mustafa Mond and other world leaders have instilled in society. The above accusation is wrong and incorrect. Individuality was seen as a threat to a harmonious society, but it is not a threat. It is important that civilization continues to advance. Individuality is the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes it from others of the same kind, especially when it is strongly marked. According to The very idea of using the words mom and dad makes people in “Brave New World” sick. On the reserve, a wild land separated from London, a boy named John lives with his mother Linda. They have no place in this society. Savage people have brown skin and dark complexions. John is tall and white and has blond hair. His mother Linda also lives with the savages, but she lives according to the methods of the “Brave New World”. She sleeps with all the wild husbands and is hated by everyone. For this, John is not accepted in this society. John's individuality is only manifested when he returns to London with his mother. He sees a world with all these people. “O the brave new world, which shelters such people. » (Shakespeare) John is overwhelmed by all the people he sees who are all the same. He tries to fit in by focusing all his heart and energy on Lenina. However, when he realizes that she has completely succumbed to the ways of Brave New World and is truly lost, he realizes that he cannot start a life there with her. Shortly after, John's mother Linda died of soma. All the soma consumption made his lungs give out. At this point, John has completely lost his foundation or family structure that he started with at the beginning of the novel. In Brave New World, John feels trapped and wants to leave London and go to Iceland with his companions, Bernard and Helmholtz, the other. “A people without knowledge of their past history, their origins and their culture is like a tree without roots. » (Marcus Garvey) Things like religion and other things are frowned upon and completely absent from their knowledge. Everyone has been conditioned to think that the only religion or peace they need is soma. Mond argues that “religious feeling is a response to the threat of loss, old age and death. » (Spark Notes) Mond tells John that if there are no losses, religion is not necessary and soma prevents losses. Soma is “Christianity without tears” (“Brave New World”). Soma is used to block thoughts of individuality and to blur the past. In Brave New World, John is so unhappy with the lack of religion, spirituality and individuality, that to find a way out, he inflicts pain on himself just to feel something. The lack of individuality and spirituality not only prevented John from expressing himself, but also led to his untimely demise. Sexual freedom is an important part of the new dystopian society. John didn't really like the idea of a world where everyone belongs to everyone. This type of state of mind caused his mother, Linda, to be rejected in the society of savages. She slept with every husband in society, which made it difficult for John to fit in. Even the love of his life, Lenina, wandered into town to sleep with everyone