Essay / Applied Business Research Case Study - 937
The field of business management continues to evolve as organizations engage in an ever-changing global marketplace. After years of unscrupulous business leaders leading and leading to failure some of the world's largest companies, researchers and business leaders are realizing the need for ethical and strong leadership. The need for ethical and strong leadership helps facilitate and manage daily operations and maintain their competitive advantage in the global economy. However, with this evolution, many research studies enrich the understanding of leadership theories and their effects on organizational climate and culture. The following findings focus on research limitations, ethical standards, data analysis, and conclusions related to the field of business management. and research (Cooper and Schindler, 2011). Previous research in leadership and management explained organizational culture and climate as employee-driven behaviors without concern for leadership styles. Research has explained that employee personality and outside influences are deterrents to organizational effectiveness, unrelated to leadership or management style (Schneider, Ehrhart, and Macey, 2012). These studies presented a plethora of results, as well as management theorists who supported these theories and often blamed employees for company failures, frequently praising managers for their successes. However, the question of leadership style improves and stimulates the climate and culture of an organization remains a hot topic. for more in-depth research. Currently, the exploration of leadership theories encourages leadership styles that focus on participative engagement, putting teamwork and service before self, encouraging middle of paper...... Peachey, J.W. (2013 ). A systematic review of the literature on servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of Business Ethics, 113, 377-393. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-012-1322-6 Schneider, B., Ehrhart, MG, and Macey, WH (July 2012). Organizational climate and culture. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 361-388. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143809 Shadare, OA (July 2011). Management style and demographic factors as predictors of managerial effectiveness in work organizations in Nigeria. Journal of International Business and Economic Research, 10(7), 85-93. Retrieved from http://www.cluteinstitute.comTaneja, S., Pryor, MG, Humphreys, JH, & Singleton, LP (March 2013). Strategic management in the era of paradigmatic chaos: lessons for managers. International Review of Management, 30, 112-126. Retrieved from www.internationaljournalofmanagement.co.uk/