Essay / Agricultural Industry-Lipton Tea - 606
2.3 Best and Worst PracticesThe UK Market and the French MarketOne of the largest and largest markets for Unilever, dominated by its PG Tips brand, accounted for a market value of 850 million pounds sterling. Unilver's research findings suggest that the average consumer profile in this market is well aware of sustainability issues and has moderate knowledge of what it means to be sustainable in doing business, but does not is not willing to pay a higher price for sustainable products. Since the main goal of their sustainable products was to provide a product that was durable but would not change in price on the shelves, the developers of Unilever's marketing strategy focused on telling the story of the certified products Rainforest Alliance and what it means. to be part of it as a consumer. In 2008, PG Tips was the only brand in the UK to suggest sustainability in the work they do. Their campaign launch was about treating their name as an innovation while creating a positive connection with the brand and an ethical decision for customers purchasing this brand, the feeling that consumers have done something better today by purchasing products. Unilever products instead of their competitors. By highlighting how easy it is to be a "better person today" and how consumers can make a positive difference in the world simply by purchasing their products, the campaign's effectiveness has shown an increase in sales and the perception of Unilever's brands as ethical in This was not the case with returns from the French market which applied the same strategy and even encouraged sales with winning trips to Kenya to raise their image and raise awareness and engage people on the environmental issues. Their approach...... middle of paper ......www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9d8e4ade-0a45-11e1-85ca-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2xBkRQjKz http://www.liptontea. com/article/detail/157723/lipton-and-sustainability http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/liptonr-tea-continues-major-expansion-of-sustainability-initiative-62159847.html http:// www.unileverfoodsolutions.us/products-brands/professional-products/tea/rainforest-alliance http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/water-scarcity-a-daunting-challenge-with-a-hopeful-future / http://www.fao.org/docrep/w5830e/w5830e0m.htm#emerging%20challenges%20for%20sustainable%20agriculture http://www.rainforest-alliance.org http://www.slideshare.net/kiranshaukat2 /lipton-complete http://blog.psiimpact.com/2013/12/unilevers-project-sunlight-solid-approach-corporate-social-responsibility/http://blog.psiimpact.com/2013/12/unilevers- sunlight-solid-project-corporate-social-responsibility-approach/