Essay / Psychoanalysis and schema therapy: approaches to...
Relentless standards: The belief that whatever you do is not good enough, that you must always try harder. The motivation for this belief is the desire to meet extremely high internal demands for competence, usually to avoid internal criticism. 14. Entitlement: The belief that you should be able to do, say, or have whatever you want immediately, regardless of whether it hurts others or seems reasonable to them.15. Insufficient self-control: inability to tolerate any frustration in achieving your goals, as well as an inability to restrain the expression of your impulses or feelings. When lack of self-control is extreme, addictive behaviors (substance abuse, eating disorders, gambling) can develop.16. Approval-seeking: placing too much emphasis on obtaining the approval and recognition of others. It may also include excessive emphasis on status and appearance as a means of gaining recognition and approval.17. Negativity/pessimism: The pervasive tendency to focus on the negative aspects of life while downplaying the positive aspects. 18. Punitiveness: The belief that people deserve to be severely punished for making mistakes. You may be overly critical and unforgiving of yourself and/or